Dr. M. R. Shivaram M.Sc., M.Phil., Ph.D.
Assistant Professor & H. O. D.
Shri. V. V. Policepatil M.A.
Guest Lecturer
Our College is situated in a rural area. Which has rich resources of soil. The occupation of majority of people agriculture, hence it was practical proposal to introduce the study of Geography as an academic discipline in the institution.
No students and others are live without environmental factors. Every one need of Geographical Knowledge to deal about Geographical aspects. It has made its entry into the college during the academic year 1981-82 as a minor subject. Now it become optional subject in semester system. The department offers optional Geography paper and progression rate is 95. The unique features of the department is motivating the students to participate in personal development, communication skills, NGOs , GIS, GPS and environmental awareness programmes during academic year. The department is also conducted project work regarding Geographical concern for the students.
Sl No |
Name of the Teacher |
Qualification |
Age |
Designation |
Seminar attended / Paper Presented |
Publication |
Research activity guided M.Phil, Ph.D reserarch project |
Committ profile under IQAC |
01 |
Dr. M.R. Shivaram |
M.Sc, M.Phil, Ph.D |
54 |
Assistant Professor & Head of the Department |
20 17 PR |
13 |
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03. |
Shri. V. V. Policepatil |
M.A |
60 |
Guest Lecturer |
03 PR |
01 |
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Academic Performance of the Faculty Member
Sl No | Name of faculty | Age | Sex | Date of Joining | Experience | OR | RC | WO | Seminar/ Conference |
01 |
Dr. M.R.Shivaram M.Sc,Mphi.l, Ph.D & H O D |
54 |
Male |
01.07.2009 |
15 Years |
01 |
03 |
01 |
20 |
02 |
Shri. V.V.Policapatil |
50 |
Male |
01.07.1972 |
24 Years |
- |
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- |
02 |
An optional Subject with Economics, History and English combination of B.A. Prograamme
01. Rural to urban Migration Impact on Agricultural Development and Environment in Gadag District (Karnataka) : A Geographical Analysis, Published By International journal of Human Resources and Social Science Page No: 863
ISSN (O) (2349 -4085)
ISSN (P) (2349 -4218)
Volume 5 issue – 1st January 2018
02. Sustainable Development of Renewable Energy resource in
Karnataka: A Geographical Analysis: Published by International
Research of Social Science Volume 8 Issu May 2018 Page No: 1009.
03. Spatial Distribution of Population in Mysore City : Using Geographical Information
System. Published by Geographical Analysis. ISSN (O) (2391-5371) issue 20/08/2019.
04. Development of Irrigation in Hassan District: A Geographical Study Published B. Adhar
peer Received & Refered Index. September 2022. ISSN (2278-9308) Issue No -371 Page
No: 184.
05. Coastal Tourism in Karnataka: A Geographical Analysis: November-
2022, ISSN (2276-9308) Issue No: 378, Page No 122
06. Tungabhadra Project in Karnataka: A Geographical Analysis. ISSN (2276-9308). Issue No:
One Day National Seminar on Desolation of sea water and Management of Droughts - Conducted By Bangalore University on 31st January 2017.
02. Two Day’s National Level Seminar sacred on Geographies of Haveri District Conducted by R T E Society Arts, Science and Commerce College Ranebennur on 31th to 31st March 2017 .
03. Two Days Sixth International Conference on Climate Change and Sustainable Water Resource Management , Innovative Geo Special Technologies (UGIT) Conducted by Department of Geography Bangalore University on 09 /11/2017.
04. Two Days XIII DGSI International Geography Conference On Sustainable Rural Development Geographical Solutions – Conducted by Department of Geography Bangalore University Bangalore on September 20, 22 , 2018 By Online Mode.
05. National level Quiz on Geographical Information Organized by Anjuman Arts, Science and Commerce Colllege Dharwad on 30 June 2020.
06. National Level online Quiz on NAAC for Faculty Conducted BY Govt of Karnataka Department of Collegiate Education On 5th June 2020.
07. Two Days National Conference on Soil and Water Conservation, Measures Geo Special Solutions, Conducted by Department of Geography Bangalore University Bangalore On 16/07/2019.