SSR Criteria 3 Books and Articles Acounting theory and practice book Anti defenction law an overview articale Changing face of democrecy in india articale Coalition Government In india Politycal Syatem Comparative Public Administration Anoverviw Dalit sensibility in devanura mahadeva articales Distance-Education-its-future-in-India-A-systematic-study-of-an-alternative-education. e governess issues and challenges articale Edited book exploring the scientific research Editor + Comparative politics nature and major approaches Emerging trends in indian politics Feminist Literature Dr. D. L. Pawar Ferminist literature Financial inclusion of india articale Historic identity of banjara in karnataka state articale Indian constitution book International business book Keloodi grama articale Law and practice of banking book My idea of a good teacher articale New Acts and Polocies related to Dalit Women Empowerment New national education policy 2020 highlights Online education articale Political organisation of banjara in india in tanda articale Practical approch to cost management book Principales of marketing book Rajyashastrada moola parikalpanegalu book Religious and moral values in maharshi malmiki articale Religious practices of bangara community in karnataka articale Role of nss in covid 19 SAKALA PROJECT Sampadana sahitya articale Stock market operations Strivada mattu mahila adyayanada nelegalu articale Structure and functions of the election commission of India The fast emerging space power in india articale Tripale talaq articale Vachana sahityadalli heevana moulyagalu articale Vachana sahityakke dalit vachanakarara sankrutika chintane article Western political thought book Banjara comminity in karnataka articale Development of irrigation articale Spatial distrubution of population in mysore articale Srirangara purusharta kadambariya swatarya katana articale Sustainable development of renewable energy articale 3.2.2 Semimars and Workshops Fdp kannada 7 day Five days national level fdp on writing and publishing quality research paper International webinar on soft skills development Latest rules in track and field National level webinar on indian constitution an introduction Pracheena mattu avarchaneen kannada sahitya hosa sadyategalu Ramanujan his life and achivements Workshop on employable opportunities in commerce banking competative examination Workshop on research methodology writing effective research articale Naac awareness programme on revised accreditation framework State level workshop on research methodology writing research articales 3.4.1 Extention Activities AIDS awerness Greenary initiatives Rally on fit india Voter awareness Women empowerment Yoga 3.4.3 Collaborative Extention Activities Solid waste management Vaccination drive for localities Covid 19 jatha Swachcha bharath abiyana 3.5.1 Number of functional MoUs Deshapande 2021 Kss college gadag 2019 Kss college gadag 2020 Kss college gadag 2021 Kss college gadag 2022 Kss college ron 2019 Ppg college gadag 2019 Skvp college hole alur 2019 Skvp college hole halur 2021 Sm bhoomarrddy college gajendragada 2019